a group of dogs sitting next to each other.
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Petcare articles

three australian shepherd dogs running in a dirt field.
Blog Articles
October 8, 2012

San Diego Humane Society and SPCA Hosts Vaccine Lecture: Oct. 10

The world of pet vaccines can really be overwhelming.  With that said, the San Diego Humane Society and the SPCA is hosting a mini vaccine seminar covering what types of vaccines are out there and how often a pet should get these shots. And this…

October 2, 2012

Most recent pet food recalls

Just like people food, we really have to keep our ears open to pet food recalls.  The best place to visit on a bimonthly basis is the Humane Society website. They keep an updated list of contaminated foods and treats harmful to pets. Another great…

September 27, 2012

A female dog’s act of bravery with her pups

Every once in a while you read a remarkable dog story. Sometimes dogs’ actions seem to go beyond instincts in a way that touches our hearts, and this recent story we spotted on the DogHeirs blog is an example.   A German Shepherd mix named Amanda rescued…

August 31, 2012

A Great Dog Message

Thought you’d enjoy this great dog training message:

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